The Gifted season 2 debuts this fall. Photo by Miller Mobley/FOX
By Matt Juul, Metro
The Gifted season 2 promises to up the mutant action and raise the stakes for Fox's hit X-Men spin-off series when it finally debuts later this fall. Here's everything you need to know about show ahead of its second season premiere.
What is The Gifted about?
[post_ads]Between the trippy head games of Legion and all the time-traveling antics in films like Days of Future Past and Deadpool 2, the X-Men live-action universe is a complicated, messy place. Luckily The Gifted season 2, like its first season, mostly ignores the other properties in order to focus on telling a mutant-filled story that's more intimate and not bogged down by continuity issues. In fact, according to creator Matt Nix, The Gifted takes place in an entirely seperate time stream from the rest of the X-Men films and shows.
"One of the great favors that Days of Future Past did for all of us is establish that there are many streams," he said at San Diego Comic-Con last year. "One answer is that we exist in one of those streams. This is its own universe, we don’t exist in the same timeline as any specific movie or comics. But there are shared characters. We’re doing our own thing, and, as I say, there are many streams."
Thankfully, you don't have to be up-to-date on the X-Men multiverse in order to follow along with The Gifted, which centers around a family that's on the run from the government due to their children developing mutant abilities. Like most X-Men stories, this one is set in a world that hates mutants, forcing them underground in order to survive.
The Gifted season 2 will take things in new directions, though, as mutant groups with conflicting idealogies will arise, like the famed Morlocks and Hellfire Club. Fans will also learn more about the incident that led to such a backlash against mutants during The Gifted season 2.
Meet the cast of The Gifted
If you were hoping to see Wolverine, Storm, Magneto or other famed X-Men on The Gifted, don't hold your breath, as the whole seperate universe thing means that the main superheroes likely won't ever appear on the small screen. That said, there are plenty of characters to be excited about going into The Gifted season 2.
The Strucker family, including Reed (Stephen Moyer), Caitlin (Amy Acker), Luaren (Natalie Alyn Lind) and Andy (Percey Hynes White) are all set to return, as well as Marcos Diaz/Eclipse (Sean Teale) Jace Turner (Coby Bell), Clarice Fong/Blink (Jamie Chung), John Proudstar/Thunderbird (Blair Redford) and Lorna Dane/Polaris (Emma Dumont). The Frost sisters (Skyler Samuels) have also been bumped to series regulars for The Gifted season 2, as well as Reeva Payge (Grace Byers).
The Gifted season 2 release date
The Gifted season 2 release date is slated for Tuesday, Sept. 25. Episodes are set to air on Fox each Tuesday night at 8 p.m.
How to watch The Gifted
The Gifted season 1 is available to stream now on Hulu and FOXNOW, as well as On Demand.
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